NBFSS National - Hotel Accommodations:
A reminder that the events are stay to play. Below I have included our contact person for Hotel Accommodations and bookings. Each organization and players/families attending must stay at the hotels and book via Krishna Garza. (contact information below) No Hotel Discount Search Engine will be honored at this event. All rates are reduced to a minimum and include breakfast every day. In order to ensure we keep costs down for families, this process must be adhered to.
Krishna Garza, Tel: (832) 772-9980. Email: Krishna.Garza@marriott.com
Note: Please specify which age group you will be attending.
Also: If you are traveling in Charter Buses, please make sure to inform Krishna accordingly.
Flight and Vehicle Arrangements:
Program 15 is also pleased to announce that we have partnered with Road Rebel to offer you value and convenience for your travel arrangement. Via the Road Rebel link below, you can complete a request form and submit directly. Within 24-48 hours, Road Rebel will reply with various options for you to choose from. Although it is not mandatory for you to book your travels with Road Rebel, our hope is to facilitate the process for you with great rates.
Road Rebel Travel Arrangement Link: http://p15.booking-rates.com
National Webpage Link: https://futurestarsseries.com/2019-future-stars-series-national-tournament/