Baseball America Unveils “BA 500” 2020 MLB Draft Rankings, Featuring Countless Future Stars Series Alums

April 30, 2020

With the 2020 Major League Baseball Draft rapidly approaching, Baseball America finally unveiled their biggest expansion of their draft-eligible prospect rankings, the “BA 500.”  As you might expect, alums of the New Balance Baseball Future Stars Series powered by Program 15 are essentially everywhere on the list, with participants of either the national tournaments, International Week event or both making a significant impact.

A look at which alumni are ranked where can be found below:

7, Zac Veen

12, Mick Abel

38, Drew Romo

54, Dylan Crews

64, Justin Lange

68, David Calabrese

79, Ricky Tiedemann

82, Petey Halpin

109, Nate Wohlgemuth

120, Markevian “Tink” Hence

156, Koen Moreno

186, Kyle Russell

189, Nick Griffin

191, Tommy Troy

207, Levi Wells

223, Joe Gonzalez

227, Nolan McLean

236, Max Carlson

263, Jake DeLeo

290, Marco Raya

315, Franco Aleman

333, Hayden Durke

334, Sabin Ceballos

345, C.J. Kayfus

350, Michael Brooks

356, Wyatt Tucker

368, Brody Drost

372, Jack O’Dowd

382, Jackson Nezuh

401, Kaleb Hill

453, Jack Seward

456, Mac Guscette

482, Nate Clow

Mike Ashmore
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